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Authentic New Vibes. Bespoke Bold Wines.
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A desire to seek new, positive vibes began to set in during the early pandemic disruption. As we witnessed our communities shutting down, the walls seemed to close in around us each day. As friends and women entrepreneurs often do when together, we began daydreaming about starting something new, something we were passionate about. Our dream quickly became a reality and we launched our small farm winery, New Vibes Wine, in 2022.

Together, we met many amazing wine proprietors and multi-generational vintners who graciously shared their journeys in life, business, and wine. Our portfolio is a reflection of the vibes and partnerships we’ve experienced along this path.

New Vibes Wine Co. is not your standard wine producer. We source grapes from different premier appellations best suited to the variety with which we want to work. This avant-garde winemaking approach allows us to create high-quality, once-off wines at the best value possible vintage after vintage. 

Put simply; we’re bringing new vibes to the table. Come vibe with us!


Beyond the vineyard, appellation, taste, or flavor, wine is a personal experience, adding depth and richness to food, leisure, and life. It's also a chance to pause, raise a glass to the everyday victories, and celebrate someone who is often overlooked: you!

As a 100% female-owned company, we know what it's like to have high standards and little time. That’s why our broad spectrum of experience enables us to ensure our wine ticks all the boxes we look for ourselves. Our goal is to simplify the decision-making process for busy individuals like you by providing a variety of delicious, high-quality wines that helps restore balance to your everyday life. 

We’re here to help! Keep your favorite vibes on hand in your cellar. Join our wine club for fresh, fun, and delicious wines shipped to your doorstep.

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